Revisit #37 in a Collectors Series
Due to popular request, it's time to review the No New Threads designation again
No New Threads is a setting a moderator may apply to your account if you violate any of the rules for properly formatting and posting a new thread in any ES forum.
Read this entire post carefully to learn about NNT, including how you "get out" of the NNT group.
Thank you
Notice the "Mod Edited Title" (MET) threads lately?
Notice how your thread was posted in the wrong forum and then moved?
Notice how your thread was merged with an existing thread?
Notice how your thread was closed?
Kind of new yourself, but like to start new threads?
Know that your thoughts are thuper-thpecial and have just been waiting for the spotlight?
Well, this just in: the board would like you to properly format your new thread.
It's even in the rules.

Trust us, there's just tons of lotsa good reasons for this.
We'll be enforcing

our "new thread" rules by adding offenders to the No New Threads Club.
If you have questions, please visit the forum rules page linked below (#8 and #9 are killer).
While there, please feel free to familiarize yourself with
all the forum rules as you agreed to do when we accepted your member registration.
The most common ways to receive a No New Threads action is if your thread is posted in the wrong forum, or has an inaccurate or poorly constructed topic description for the title (like just some guys name
, or is duplicating a topic being actively discussed in existing threads.
Always use the search diligently and remember if all else fails to do a visual scan of the first two pages to make sure your topic isn't already an existing thread. All "but I searched" excuses are joyously ignored. Our search is working fine if you type in appropriate key word, or you can use ES/Google search:
To get out of the NNT group you must figure out which rule(s) you messed up and in which thread you started and PM a mod or send the staff an e-mail with the specific details of your goof(s) and your pledge to do better so we can know you have learned what your errors were and are less likely to repeat it (them). In case you're not able to figure that out without help, what you would do is click on "statistics" on your user profile page, then click on "threads started" and find which of the last threads you were able to start got you nailed, and then go read the relevant rules and find your error(s). Then that's what you PM to the mods (or e-mail to staff).
Thank you so much for your time, ladies and gentleman.