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Old January-2nd-2010, 12:07 PM   #1
The Field Goal Team
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Default Re: Stop the Immaturity and Unnecessary Bashing

Originally Posted by SpringfieldSkins View Post
Hate on Landry. Just know... You are no better than "them".
By total chance, these are exerts from 2 posts I have just read of yours from different threads. One on Landry being out in wk17, one a debate about the merits JC & CP.

Aside from his general play over the last 2 seasons, one of the main knocks on Landry is his reported attitude & general lack of application. Every time I see him make an error, I think back to the time when he was the only player missing workouts in the offseason.

Yet, you are very vocal in your support of LL, whist being quite stricking in your criticism of CP. I am no defender of CP, by any means. However, I don't think LL has really done anything that has brought benefit to the performance of this organisation. In fact, he has been outright awful this season with regards to the amount of significant plays he has surrendered.

With regards to the OP, Interestingly, I feel most bashing / hating & the subsequent conflict within threads, is because fans focus on their support for an individual player, instead of assessing that players performance in the context of what effect it is having on the team as a whole.

I see what you guys are doing here. I'm not amused. I tried to play along. I couldn't hit the "Post Quick Reply" button though. Those comments are comments I would expect from another team's board.

Best wishes to Laron. I will not pile on. I don't remember a response like this when we heard that Portis was out for the season

This is football, not family.

You think Clinton Portis cares a fraction as much about you as you do about him? Enough with the, "he deserves better" crap. The Redskins deserve a better football team and it has nothing to do with Clinton Portis as a man and everything to do with Clinton Portis as a player.

Portis doesn't have heart anymore. It is possible that he once did, but that went away seasons ago. He doesn't want to practice and he wants to delegate to the coaches when he plays. There isn't room for a player like that on this team, no way no how. I haven't even breached the subject of how his lack of heart has turned him into a wuss (sorry, couldn't find better words) or how his play has been steadily declining.

While Campbell was out there getting his ass kicked and making plays, one Sir Clinton Portis was crying about a headache and taking the rest of the season off.
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